Here’s what I’m trying to do. If you’ve ever played Halo or CoD, you’d know that you could change the name of a weapon load-out.
What I’m doing is making it so you can change your load-out name using a text field. Here’s the problem, the load-out name in the load-out menu is a button (to select and view info about that load-out) and I could just write this:
@IBAction func renameClassButton(sender: AnyObject) {
classTopButton.text = "\(classTopTextField)"
Except it [classTopButton] is a button which doesn’t allow the ‘.text’ suffix
The solutions is…
You can do:
button.setTitle("my text here", forState: .normal)
Swift 3 and 4:
button.setTitle("my text here", for: .normal)
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